Sunday, 4 January 2015


I had set the game up on our bed and had to take it down due to not having time to play it before we needed the bed to sleep in! However with some rooting around and basing etc I have ended the holidays with completed Vendhyans - see back of photo-
Not to mention some medievals-
which are in the foreground of both photos.
I start January therefore with the following  4 armies ready  for Guyleria-
Vendhyans replete with three war mammoths,chariot and rockets (note white smoke trail in top photo)
Keltoi with light cavalry,infantry and loads of slingers with the option of painting some chariots sometime when
Medievals with bowmen,crossbowmen.knights on foot, some dodgy levy and the ducal warchest (see front of first & second photo) to be guarded on the battlefield at all cost...
Roman type chaps - currently using my dbm based figures but hope to add some Garrison instead to the fray.
There are some Emesan/Edessan type city states troops to paint  and who know what else will take my fancy...
I think I am pretty well set up for some games ahead with the "Gathering of Hosts" rules.


  1. Very nice - hopefully they will see some gaming soon.

  2. Excellent work...well done on getting so much painted in the holidays. I am tempted by the gathering of hosts using 1/72 figures.
